Outdoor Air Quality: the NYC air quality data hub

New York City's air contains particles, drops of liquid, gasses, and other pollution that can affect health - it can affect our breathing, and bad air quality can be particularly dangerous for older adults, children, and people with heart or lung conditions.

Air quality can vary from neighborhood to neighborhood, based on local levels of emmissions and many other factors. We monitor air quality using the New York City Community Air Survey (NYCCAS). NYCCAS is NYC's comprehensive air quality monitoring and modeling network, and it allows us to understand neighborhood differences in air quality - and what contributes to those differences.

 Key features: explore NYC's air quality

 Annual Report
New York City seen from an airplane
Neighborhood Air Quality 2008-2018: pollutants, key factors, and air quality trends over time in New York City.

An image of a data chart
Brief summaries of key findings: how traffic affects air toxics, the health impacts of noise, eliminating SO2 from our air, and more. Read more...
 Explore air quality data
New York City seen from an airplane

 Get the data: related indicators on the EH Data Portal