Neighborhood Reports
Data for your neighborhood on important environmental health topics. To start, choose a topic and a neighborhood.
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Asthma and the environment
Asthma is a leading cause of hospitalizations for children. It can be made worse by housing and neighborhood characteristics. There are powerful inequities that drive racial disparities in asthma in NYC.
Climate and health
As the climate changes, we track New York City's risk for extreme heat, storms and flooding, and episodes of elevated ozone. These have important public health impacts: already, heat kills more people than all other natural disasters.
Housing and health
Housing conditions can drive health outcomes like asthma, lead poisoning, and carbon monoxide poisoning. We track housing neighborhood characteristics that can put people at risk - and special populations that are vulnernerable.
Outdoor air and health
Air pollution is one of the most important environmental threats to people who live in urban areas. Exposures are linked to respiratory and heart diseases, cancers, and premature deaths. Meanwhile, emissions, levels of exposure, and population vulnerability vary across neighborhoods.
Active design, physical activity, and health
The design and condition of buildings, streets, public transportation, and parks influence how much physical activity people get, how much they use active transportation, and how much other healthy behavior they do. A neighborhood built environment can also affect the safety of its residents.